Friday, August 19, 2011

Don't Worry About It

"Be anxious about nothing..." Philippians 4:6

Really? Don't worry? About anything? Seriously? Well, you are not raising my teen agers.
You are not living with my husband, or caring for my elderly parents, or trying to make ends meet on our income. You are not answering to my boss. You do not have my health issues. If you did, you would not be telling me to not worry or be anxious.

Have you watched the news lately or read the newspaper? There is political unrest in every nation, the stock market looks like a roller coaster, there are natural disasters every day. And meanwhile, God is instructing us not to worry, not to be troubled, not to fret.

I know these are the things that are running through your mind, because they do mine as well. How do we find quiet in turmoil? How do we calm down when we seem to have a constant headache? The answer is Jesus. He is the answer. Jesus is the only answer. Knowing Him is knowing peace. Trusting Him is ridding yourself of the constant unrest that comes with living in this world. Loving Jesus brings a quiet stillness that cannot be found in anyone or anything else.

I have come to the conclusion that worry is the opposite of trust. If we truly have our confidence in the Lord, then worrying about things we have no control over is actually insulting to Him. If we say we trust Him, but then we live with constant anxiety and fear, then in reality, we do not trust Him at all.

The people I love the most in my life are the people I trust as well. I do not think I could have a personal and intimate relationship with someone I did not trust. True love goes hand in hand with total trust. And, as all of us have experienced, these loved ones are very capable of letting us down and breaking our trust.

But, Jesus is the One that deserves our trust. We can put our hope in Him. We can rely on Him and depend on Him. If we could reach the point where we could say, "Not my will, but Yours Father", we would have reached the place that would allow us to be as worry free as is humanely possible. I cannot say that we will ever reach the point that we can be anxious about nothing one hundred percent of the time. But, I can say that God has never let me down. Every time I make the decision to place my concerns and fears in His hands, He has proven Himself worthy of my trust.

I cannot promise you much, but, I can promise you this. Each time you place your worry in God's hands, you will find a peace that other wise would not make sense. We do not know what tomorrow holds, but we can put all of our tomorrow's in very capable hands. God would not tell us not to worry if it was not possible for us to do just that. He does not ask anything of us that we cannot achieve. Start today. One concern at a time. Watch what He will do. He is capable. You can trust Him. No need to worry about that!

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